World at War Virtual Museum

Preserving World War II memories through education and living history.


Ed de Jong
Curator World at War Museum Ed de Jong I have been interested in World War II since my childhood. I was always intrigued by the stories, told by my family members about how they experienced the occupation by the Nazis. My family from Amsterdam had to live through the hunger winter of 1944. My grandfather was putting his life on the line when he went on his bicycle to the farmlands looking for food to feed his family. While my family in Rotterdam chose another approach, they fought the Nazis by joining the Dutch resistance.

While growing up in the Netherlands I was able to visit the places where many battles were fought during World War II

Moving to the United States showed me another part of the war where the country was not occupied, but people showed another commitment to the soldiers who fought in most cases far away from home

For that reason I support the World at War Museum by building a collection which shows the two main sides of the Second World War which can be divided into two distinct groups, the Battle Front and the Home Front
I you share the same interest and/or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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